Bamboo Diaries

Bamboo Weaving training to Women Self Help Groups in Kurumbalakotta, Kerala from 25th to 29th November 2019

25.11.19 01:33 PM

Bamboo is not new to our Culture.

It’s only in the last 50 years, we have abandoned it and we are already seeing the effect of it. Landslides and Floods are becoming more common in hilly terrains. Replacing Bamboo and other grasses indeginous to the hills with commercial crops like rubber, arecanut, Coffee etc has created overall instability in the Soil structure underneath.

Now, the question is, if we move away from the commercial crops and grow grasses like Bamboo, what are the livelihood options available? So, its important to develop knowledge and skills based on Bamboo and other natural materials that can provide rural livelihood options that can promote biodiversity and environmental stability.

Fortunately, Bamboo provides various livelihood options on this regard. Bamboo Diaries along with the renowned Bamboo Craftswoman Mrs. Valsala has organized a 5 day training program to the women self help groups of Kurumbalakotta hill. The local women are to be trained in the following”

  • Identification of the right Bamboo spcecies for Craftwork

  • Bamboo cultivation and Harvesting

  • Bamboo Strips making

  • Bamboo strips treatment

  • Bamboo weaving & craftwork

  • Marketing options & strategy for Bamboo products

Subsequent to the training, a production setup is being established at this Kurumbalakotta Bamboo Craft Center venue where training and production happens in parallel continuously.

The larger goal is to create a local market for the products and not just sell it to faraway markets. Bamboo Diaries is happy to work hand in hand with the local women of Kurumbalakotta on this regard.

The program was ably supported by the local Panchayat Member and the Kudumbashree organization.

The Photo album can be found at: